
BWell365 is a space for holistic and intersectional wellness, where we support each individual's unique wellness journey.

Let's do this together!

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    184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007

    Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED

    From yoga classes, to health workshops and wellness talks, to holistic healing and meditation classes — BWell365 will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about how to empower their wellness journeys.

    Rikimah started wellness work by holding retreats in beautiful spaces, and while they were restorative and healing spaces for movement folk, they were often large financial and time commitments – commitments that so many of us are unable to make. That’s why we are launching the BWell365 Conference – to bring the retreat stateside and give more people the possibility of engaging in their wellness, creating wellness communities, and taking some time to rest.

    "Rikimah has helped me find my voice. She's helped me find my standing in such a big movement space where I didn't have any experience and there's so much moving all the time in that space—it's such raw, emotional heavy work. She's been a great mentor and coach."


    Deputy Director of Finance and Operations, M4BL

    "Rikimah really helped us get into the right mindset. She centered heavily on making sure that people left the retreat better than where they got there, and she helped us all shed some emotional weight we were carrying around."

    Jamaa Bickley-King

    Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder New Virginia Majority; Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder Change the Game

    "Rikimah's energy is just very much like "You can do anything". Like, there are no limits. You can do anything that you dream about. And I think that's why I love her so much."

    Jasmine Nazarett

    Community Change

    "That's something that Rikimah, she really broke down the wellness wheel and she broke down the different types of wellness. And something that I neglected was my environment, and where I work, so that was new. As someone who's been operations HR talent, I'm always thinking about these things for other people. But I hadn't thought about it for myself."

    Carla Reed

    Equity Centered Human Resources Professional

    "Rikimah was a great coach. She was very kind and supportive and helped me think about how to free myself up from things so that I could take care of myself. She gave me checkpoints to help keep me on track as well."

    Lacey Slay

    Deputy Director of Development

    "Rikimah is amazing. We had an hour-long one-on-one coaching session with her during this retreat, in addition to the daily sessions, and she helped me explore all these emotions that were coming up. Like, what are these emotions telling you? Let's use this to set some intentional goals. I came back, and I followed through on all of my goals—and Rikimah would check in on me and be like "Hey, where are you on this? How's this going?"

    Jasmine Nazarett

    Community Change

    "Rikimah asked me - How can you design a life that feels within your means, that feels like you're caring for yourself, you're still taking care of your responsibility abilities, but you're letting some stuff go, or you're rebalancing things so that you feel like you're able to sort of show up for yourself. And that was a year ago, and those systems that I worked on with Rikimah are still in place for me, and everyone in my household is happier."

    Lacey Slay

    Deputy Director of Development

    "I think that we all went through some personal transformation on the retreat. For me, it was this: it is all interconnected. Like, there is no work Jasmine and outside of work Jasmine—it's all connected. And if I am not okay in one space, I’m not going to be okay in the other space. And my work burnout definitely impacted me as a person outside of work. So it was an incredible realization."

    Jasmine Nazarett

    Community Change

    Be there to experience the eight pillars of wellness in an invigorating environment among like-minded people from all over the country.

    We are kicking off a wellness revolution together. See you on the other side.

    Date: Early December 2023

    More details coming soon!

    Want to join us?

    Sign up for our newsletter to get first access to conference registration!

      By submitting your email you automatically agree to our privacy policy.

      Wellness Boxes

      Wellness doesn’t happen overnight – this is a journey, and want to help you find your own tools. The products in this wellness box are tried and tested. We stand behind these products, I use them, my son uses them. We source all of these products from people who are making these tools to create change in the world. You’re going to find your own tools, but in the meantime I’m sharing my tools with you.

      BWell Mind
      Wellness Box

      Our BWell Mind box is designed to help you relax and unwind, so you can center yourself. In order for your mind to be healthy, you need to rest. When we calm all of those racing thoughts and give our minds a break from the constant stimuli of the world around us, we prioritize inner peace and mental wellness.



      BWell Body
      Wellness Box

      There are so many ways to show your body some love. We are often told that eating a salad is how we take care of our physical health, but healthy eating is only one aspect of physical health. Our BWell Body box includes tools to show love to your body.



      BWell Spirit
      Wellness Box

      Our BWell Spirit box is created to help you reflect on the energies around you. Whether that be in your space, your community, or within you- it is important to be mindful of these energies and put as much positivity and gratitude out into the world.
