
BWell365 is a space for holistic and intersectional wellness, where we support each individual's unique wellness journey.

Let's do this together!

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    184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007

    Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED

    Uncover your own wellness path.

    One journey at a time.

    BWell365 has been hosting wellness retreats for over a year now. We learned that people who are actually doing something they love tend to be the most motivated to stick to it. Sounds simple, right? But we still find it tough to make time for our wellness.

    Beyond everyday mindfulness and rest, a wellness retreat offers the chance to fully immerse themselves in a wellness reset. We often get so caught up in our routines and comfort that we need to get ourselves out of your homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods to reflect fully and thoughtfully on how we are approaching (or more likely neglecting) our own wellness.

    Retreat participants worked with Rikimah and the group to set real goals to help them get on a sustainable wellness journey – and have kept those systems in place because Rikimah has created an approach to wellness that is rooted in real-life experience.

    What to expect at a Wellness Retreat

    At a wellness retreat, a typical day can start with morning yoga or meditation, followed by a healthy, balanced meal created by private chefs, using local and culturally meaningful ingredients, mindfulness exercises, wellness workshops, and a lot of unwinding, connecting, and joy!

    Break old patterns, reconnect with yourself and others, and build a life you love.

    Here are just some of the things you can expect from a BWell365 retreat!





    Wellness Development

    Wellness Development

    Self-Introspection & Reflection

    Self-Introspection & Reflection

    Personality Profiling & Human Design Work

    Personality Profiling & Human Design Work

    1-on-1 Coaching & Processing

    1:1 Coaching & Processing

    Action Planning

    Action Planning

    Mind, Body & Soul Healing

    Mind, Body & Soul Healing

    Community Building

    Community Building

    Social Wellness

    Social Wellness

    Physical Wellness

    Physical Wellness

    Environmental Wellness

    Environmental Wellness

    What’s included:

    • Accommodation: 5 days and 4 nights at a luxury modern villa. Each participant will have their own room and bathroom, so that they can feel comfortable and have a safe space to relax and reflect.
    • Yoga and mindful meditation for centering, building mindfulness, and gaining self-awareness.
    • Local Tours and activities as part of reflection, awareness, and rejuvenation.
    • Presentation, Education, & Q&A Sessions from Rikimah herself, guiding you through her unique wellness approach.
    • Private Intuitive 1:1 Processing and coaching: Experience a private session as you jump into your journey. Sessions will utilize the profiling of each participant and in-depth work on how to use discoveries to improve areas like communication, interpersonal relationships, dynamics, management style, etc.
    • Private Chef creating daily meals, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages using healthy, local, and delicious ingredients and recipes.
    • Airport Transportation: Airport transportation to and from The Villa will be offered.
    • Meals, activities, and the cost of transportation around are covered.

    What’s not included:

    • Airfare: Once you register, you will want to work with your organization/staff member to book a flight that provides the most comfort and ease.
    • Travel Insurance: There are doctors on call at the retreat site and a hospital about 20 minutes away from our main location. However, travel insurance is mandated by the Bajan government. Health insurance is covered in certain travel insurance packages, which can also cover baggage loss and trip cancellation. Groups to consider might be AIG, etc.
    • Additional Experiences: Additional experiences such as spa treatments and other adventures are not included in the retreat schedule. ​
    • On-site childcare: While we welcome families, we do not provide on-site childcare. We will be happy to help you figure out logistics to the best of our abilities.
    our next retreat

    Our next retreat will take place in December 2023

    We will be focusing on visioning, and learning how to listen to your intuition in building a wellness- centered life.

    Retreats will be announced soon! Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know!

      By submitting your email you automatically agree to our privacy policy.

      "The retreat was an amazing experience for me. I think that being in an environment where we were with a lot of our peers - it was easy to have a conversation about what is going on because these were peers in leadership."

      Jamaa Bickley-King

      Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder New Virginia Majority; Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder Change the Game

      "Rikimah asked me - How can you design a life that feels within your means, that feels like you're caring for yourself, you're still taking care of your responsibility abilities, but you're letting some stuff go, or you're rebalancing things so that you feel like you're able to sort of show up for yourself. And that was a year ago, and those systems that I worked on with Rikimah are still in place for me, and everyone in my household is happier."

      Lacey Slay

      Deputy Director of Development

      "I think that we all went through some personal transformation on the retreat. For me, it was this: it is all interconnected. Like, there is no work Jasmine and outside of work Jasmine—it's all connected. And if I am not okay in one space, I’m not going to be okay in the other space. And my work burnout definitely impacted me as a person outside of work. So it was an incredible realization."

      Jasmine Nazarett

      Community Change

      Find Your Own Wellness Path

      BWell365 brings wellness to you. Designed to meet your individual needs, our innovative offerings are designed to be exactly what you need them to be. From small group tours, to intensive retreats, to one-on-one coaching, BWell365 meets you wherever you need it.

      Sign up to our newsletter to stay updated on our wellness retreats and join us all over the world!

        By submitting your email you automatically agree to our privacy policy.

        Wellness Boxes

        Wellness doesn’t happen overnight – this is a journey, and want to help you find your own tools. The products in this wellness box are tried and tested. We stand behind these products, I use them, my son uses them. We source all of these products from people who are making these tools to create change in the world. You’re going to find your own tools, but in the meantime I’m sharing my tools with you.

        BWell Mind
        Wellness Box

        Our BWell Mind box is designed to help you relax and unwind, so you can center yourself. In order for your mind to be healthy, you need to rest. When we calm all of those racing thoughts and give our minds a break from the constant stimuli of the world around us, we prioritize inner peace and mental wellness.



        BWell Body
        Wellness Box

        There are so many ways to show your body some love. We are often told that eating a salad is how we take care of our physical health, but healthy eating is only one aspect of physical health. Our BWell Body box includes tools to show love to your body.



        BWell Spirit
        Wellness Box

        Our BWell Spirit box is created to help you reflect on the energies around you. Whether that be in your space, your community, or within you- it is important to be mindful of these energies and put as much positivity and gratitude out into the world.

